Monday, June 11, 2007

Takes A Lickin'

And just keeps on tickin'...

Inspired by the creative transgressions of one Texan restaurant, we decided to embark on a project this past Friday night:


Hoooooieeeee! Tasty like a kick in the head. I can still hear the faint echoes of those delectable sounds of fat.
Dipped in fat.
Fried in fat.
Then dipped in fat.



I was wholly disappointed at the fact that the only time that I'll ever do this in my life, I screwed up the country gravy recipe. The bacon really needs it, as the batter is a bit plain. And you need the gravy to offset the slightly salty flavor. It pays to not do things in parallel sometimes, or risk leaving your gravy on the burner and letting it burn...turning it into a thick concoction resembling mashed potatoes.

Another lesson learned: buttermilk was a poor choice for the made it too hard. I should've stuck with regular milk.

Hmmm....I wonder how it would've tasted if we used Crisco instead of canola oil? Or hell, if we deep fried it in bacon grease? I may never know...

But talk about meals on the cheap!!!
A pound of bacon for $5, buttermilk/milk for like $0.50 (you don't need a lot), flour for pennies, and a few more bucks for oil and you got a meal!

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At 6/16/2007 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooooh! So you decided to make it yourselves instead of trekkin' on over to Texas, huh?!? How was it? Sorry to hear about your gravy goof but, that could've been easily resolved by driving to your closest grocery and buying the powdered or even bottled country gravy. I know it defeats the purpose of "cooking from scratch," which it seems was what you were going for. Perhaps, if you did that you could've enjoyed your chicken fried bacon recipe in its entirety.

Well, at least you got to try it either way. I'd have to wait 'til I get back to the mainland before I get the chance. I know I won't find a lot of the necessary ingredients out here in the Caribbeans. *sigh*



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