Sunday, June 03, 2007


So driving back up from San Diego on this past Mother's Day, Shirley was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee rental on the 5. She had agreed to take the first half (I absolutely hate driving through L.A. traffic, even with an automatic). The trip was pretty much uneventful until we reached the uphill portion of the 5 as it went straight up into the Castaics, just north of Magic Mountain. We were in the #2 lane, with a slower car up ahead in the #3 lane. Fast approaching behind that car was this red Buick SUV, and from my passenger vantage point I can see that she was going to have to make a decision: brake or switch into our lane. But, with the steep hill, our rental started to naturally, Shirley dug her toes into the go pedal, forcing a downshift on the automatic...VROOOM! The V8 blatted out a throaty roar and we picked up speed. I'm sure Shirley didn't plan on it (she's not an evil driver like I am), but by speeding up she ended up narrowing the gap to that slower car in the right lane, causing the Buick to have to abandon a lane change into our lane and hit the brakes.

Well, that lady sure didn't appreciate the move...not one bit. We didn't intend to cut her off, but she misinterpreted the speed-up as some piss-off maneuver and began to beep her horn, yell at us, flick us off from behind...and when she passed us on the right, she "maintained international relations" (you know, the bird), allowing me to snap her wonderful portrait you see up above. With her young son in the passenger seat. On Mother's Day.

Kinda gives you the nice warm and fuzzies inside, don't it? Hope for mankind and children are our future, right?

And she followed us for miles... MILES. All the way to Gorman. That's thirty minutes, folks.

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At 6/10/2007 9:31 PM, Blogger Bryan said...

that biyotch! you should've got behind her and taken a picture of her license plate...altho i don't know if you can retrieve any info from it...

At 6/11/2007 10:33 AM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

I actually have a picture with her license plate on it. But supposedly there's California privacy laws preventing anyone from looking up info from plates (remember that actress that was murdered several years ago by her stalker?)

No matter, it wasn't worth pursuing...We just found it sad. 4000lb cars really make people act funny. I bet she's an awfully nice person in real life.


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