Sunday, November 20, 2005

Chicken & Waffles

Ah, the little things... I've seen this saying before, but seeing those white letters emblazoned on the blue background got me to chuckle out loud a bit. Although I think I've seen it like this: "My karma ran over your dogma"

So the UPSer and I hit up the House of Chicken and Waffles, and I must say it was quite good. I was expecting a sub par Roscoe's knock-off, but I was pleasantly surprised. I tried being a good boy and stuck to the Incredible Isaac (chicken leg or thigh, one waffle, and grits). The grits were surprisingly good (maybe it was all the butter?) The last time I had grits was 8 years ago at a Waffle House out in Cape Girardeau, Missourah, and I don't remember it being this good. The chicken is different from Roscoe's in that they don't bread the chicken. Oh, and their sweet potato pie was just SOOOOOO good. Mmmm...mmmm...mmmm!! What a great way to kick off a Sunday practice.

I've been feeling quite a bit uninspired lately, finding words to be just within inches of my grasp but nevertheless elusive...There's lots of posts now sitting in draft mode on this account; maybe the trip down to San Diego later this week will do me some good. I know I said this the last time I went down there, but this time I'll bring along a 6x7 rental, a 50mm, a roll of Velvia, a light meter, a laptop and really plop myself down on Coronado beach early Friday morning. With everyone occupied by the mad rush of post turkey day discount bargain bins, I should hopefully find the beach to be a nice quiet escape.

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At 11/21/2005 11:09 AM, Blogger R said...

What's a grit? San Diego is the next city on my list I want to go to or move to. Rhoel.

At 11/21/2005 12:14 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Grits are essentially ground corn -- a dish originating from the south. More info here. It's typically customary to ask how the grits are as the quality varies from day-to-day, meal-to-meal since it takes so long to cook. Heh...according to wikipedia, grits is also a Canadian slang term for members of the Liberal Party of Canada. Interesting.


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