Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's Such a Purdy Day

I awoke to the pitter-patter of lonely raindrops falling on the cold wet concrete outside my bedroom window, faintly echoing the languid beating of my heart in my hollow chest.

Could it be?

Life without a television has me floating from day to day, carefree and oblivious to the so-called "current events", things like the ever changing weather or the recent tragic death of a young brother and sister or the heartbreaking loss of my favorite football team.

Yet today seems a bit different.

I urge my tired body to resist the need to complete a full night's rest and slowly crawl to the window. A slight nudge of the plastic blind reveals a world dipped in a vat of water, a dense cloud cover overhead shielding the (I assume) bright sunshine sitting somewhere up above and to the east. Eventually I find myself piled into the worn leather seat of my convenyance, not looking forward to the daunting guantlet of a commute that is sunny California drivers faced with their first seasonal rainfall. And wouldn't you know it, 10:30 AM and the 101 is a parking lot. In both directions. And the 92 is no better, with an accident on the opposite side of the road -- naturally, the human tendency to gawk and gasp at the mayhem has my direction clogged with lonely rubbernecking souls. But of course.

Frustrated at the rain performance of my never-rotated and slightly worn Sumitomo HTR 200 front tires, I careen down the 280 at a pace much slower than I'd expect, eventually rolling into the wet black parking lot of work. Lots of things on my mind today, and yet it all really doesn't matter. It's the first (real) rainfall, and my New Balance cross trainers fall with a gentle thud and the occasional wet "slap" on the steps below me. The colors of the golden leaves and the once-washed-bright-and-shiny cars are now muted by the grey light up above. Aaah, equivalence. There's something about this light that really gets to me...softening all those striving to shine bright, bringing out those that were once thought dull and lifeless...And so I step into my office and am greeted by a nondescript brown parcel sitting on my chair. The label reveals its mysterious cargo...

Ah yes, it's the simple things that make life grand.

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At 10/26/2005 2:11 PM, Blogger bev said...

aaahh!! congratulations and don't eat them all at once!! :)

At 10/26/2005 2:31 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Don't worry, I only ate 6. I'll eat the other 3 tomorrow. Can't wait to bust open the English Toffee & Peanut Butter Daisies! Interesting though, they gift wrapped my order (how nice) even though I didn't ask for it. And everything was packed all nice and neat in heat resistant foil, with like ice packs to keep from melting.

At 10/26/2005 4:13 PM, Blogger bev said...

what happened to other one (i know they come in a pack of 10)?

At 10/26/2005 4:20 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

I tried to stop it (persistent little buggers these hedgehogs), really I did, but it went scurrying off into my mouth.



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