Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Red Turtles, Yoshi, and Mushrooms

It's 1991. Your eyes are red, you're sleepy, tired, and your thumb hurts like hell. The sound of coins are ringing in your head. There's a [insert homework assigment here] due tomorrow, and yet you keep on going...

pic 061

I can't believe I'm actually playing old video games. I really need to get out more. :)

Speaking of mushrooms...I honestly think that the evil soup woman at Mollie Stone's spikes her product with crack cocaine. I really do. I had the mushroom bisque for lunch today and it was damned good, especially on a crispy cold day like today.

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At 12/13/2005 9:51 PM, Blogger Big Sexy said...

you are not alone on the video game thing.

At 12/13/2005 10:52 PM, Blogger ojpt said...

Do you remember the NES emulator called nesticle? ah, how I miss 8-bit console computing.

At 12/14/2005 12:11 AM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

nesticle?!? bwahaahahahhaha!!! Hi, my name is Ernesto...but you can call me Nesticle. BWAHAHAHHAHAA!!!

Oh man, that's sad...I'm laughing out loud here...hahhahaha!!

Can't say that I've heard of that particular emulator. I think I'll go look for it...just so I could play Super Dodgeball, hands down the absolute greatest. game. ever.

At 12/14/2005 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

creamy soups and super mario bros....suh-weet. makes me wanna dig out my old NES player later this evening. Hmmmm. maybe i will :o) --anne

At 12/14/2005 11:09 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Whoa. You have a working NES? Cooool... So do you have to do that thing where you blow on the cartridge contacts to make it work?

Ah, that brings back fond memories of snickering dogs, italian plumbers in the desert, and that one dude from the Russian team that would rain down dodgeballs from the sky. :)

At 12/15/2005 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeap, I still have a working NES, a SNES, a SEGA saturn, a SEGA genesis, a SEGA dreamcast, an ATARI jaguar, an old Playstation X, and an XBOX. All consoles are in good condition, playable, and come with various games & accessories. Not to mention, I also have those [now considered vintage] table top Nintendo Mini-Arcades: a Donkey Kong and a Snoopy (still working) NICE, huh?! (^_^)

And, yes, I still have to blow on the cartridge contacts every now and then to get it to work...*sigh*--anne

At 12/15/2005 8:52 AM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Party at Anne's house!! :)


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