Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Moon and Antarctica

Oh, what an insanely busy day.

It started out innocently enough, with a wonderfully smooth, rain-free drive to work. My mind must really be floating off elsewhere, because it didn't occur to me until now that the holiday traffic patterns have kicked in. (duh). Door to door, I was able to make it into the office in just a scant under 30 minutes.

[allow me to detour a bit...I think this whole traffic pattern thing is specific to the bay area. In all my years living and driving in America's Finest City, I have never noticed a falloff in traffic during the holiday season (or maybe it's been so long that I've forgotten already?). But up here in the bay, there is a very noticeable change in traffic patterns... Supposedly it's because kids are out of school. And people are on vacation. Whatever it is, I think it's great.]

So anyways, fatigued with only about 5 hours of sleep I grinded through a 9AM interview (oh the price of management). I'm grateful that he is a relatively strong candidate. What really frustrated me, however, was that I had blocked out about 5 hours of time to crank through a bunch of tasks that needed to be done. But constant interruptions throughout the day conspired to derail my hopes. (And I won't even get into the mass scramble of managers running around trying to ship out four simultaneous product updates to address a security exploit...grrr) I guess it didn't help that I was juggling IM & e-mail conversations or spending 30 minutes talking to one of my former employees about clothes and sales -- haha...she had a reaction that went something like this: (hands to eyes with a big grin) "you're making mommy cry, I'm so proud of you...these are tears of joy!" She says my green sweatshirt was a bit too much. And my officemate agreed. They both say that green (well, more specifically, that bright green that I bought) doesn't really work well with asians. Then they started calling out all these more appropriate funky shades of green that I've never heard of before - like hunter(?) green...what da hell is that? I really need a shopping buddy to help me pick out colors.

Oh no... This is turning into a beveblog.


And so, finally, the day is over -- just got off a conference call with the folks in India. Happy to say that I was able to accomplish some of the big things I needed to do. But now I just have to figure out how to motivate my fat ass to get on to the gym. Damnit, it's so tempting to go home and finish that leftover piece of prime rib...Oh, I know how -- 36" waist, size L shirts. Eye on the prize.

And by the way, I've been on a major Modest Mouse trip. Exactly what I need at this point in my life.

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At 12/20/2005 10:23 PM, Blogger bev said...

is it the green shirt you wore on Sunday? i didn't see anything wrong with that green. i don't think any color really looks bad on Asians, except maybe some shades of yellow/brown that make the skin too yellow-looking.

and what's wrong with this turning into a bevblog? hehe :)

At 12/20/2005 10:30 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Yup, that's the one. So you think it's OK then? My coworkers kinda were thrown off by it. She was like tripping out the whole day I wore it, because it was just so shocking. I guess that's what happens when everyone got so used to seeing you not dress properly for work. You know, I think I'll wear it again on Thursday before I go on vacation. Just to freak 'em out. :)

Oh and it's "beveblog", not bevblog. heheheheh

At 12/21/2005 4:48 PM, Blogger ojpt said...

nice sun pics. so, this is either you leaving for work at the crack of dawn, OR you leaving your office before the sun goes down. ha!

At 12/21/2005 8:03 PM, Blogger Randy said...

i didn't know you can see green. you were wearing a red shirt at the dinner... hahaha j/k!

At 12/21/2005 10:40 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Hey OJ...Um... Yeah, that was 280 southbound. Looking east. Uh-huh. Right. You know me, got to get to work early! hahahahhaha

At 12/22/2005 1:07 AM, Blogger ojpt said...

This being the solstice, that means you left work at what? 3:30? jk (like i even work!)

At 12/22/2005 1:18 AM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Hahahahha! Man, I gotta figure out why I can't sleep at night. Maybe it's worth heeding an old co-worker's advice of a shot of Southern Comfort. :)


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