Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Call The Doctor

So to celebrate the anticipated can of whoop-ass that the Chargers were to hand to the Raiders this past Sunday, we decided to abuse our bodies with one of the most wonderful concoctions known to man...

Duck Fat Fries

To make duck fat fries, you obviously need duck fat. Problem is, none of the stores carry this gelatinous mound of goodness anymore (I tried Draeger's, Mollie Stone's, Whole Foods). There are places online that sell rendered duck fat, but at a wallet-smacking $7 per 8oz, I opted for the more labor-intensive and oh so much more interesting route... After a bit of perusing on the good 'ol internet, I ended up with a Firefox tab in the Sonoma County Poultry website along with several other tabs earmarked on a few suggestions on how to render fat...

1a. There are several methods to render fat. One method I tried was to chop the fat and throw it into a skillet, sauteeing over medium heat.
pic 2194
This took waaaaaaay too long, so I opted for...

1b. Throw the fat (without chopping) into a pot with some water (I had about a 1/2" in there). Boil the fat, and then drop temperature to medium after quite a few minutes. Cook until steam stops. The best part is the sound it makes when you're stirring the mixture. (Shirley: "Oh god, I could hear the fat!")
pic 2204

2. When it stops steaming and most of the fat has been removed from the solids (what's left are pieces of skin), strain liquid into a container and let it cool.
pic 2207

3. Don't throw away those solids!! Throw 'em on a skillet and fry 'em up to desired crispness. (Don't overcook 'em, they'll get too dry and gross.) Eat if you dare. Duck chicharon!
pic 2227

4. Let the warm bowl of melted heartattack cool before chilling in refrigerator.
pic 2234

5. Wake up the next morning, open the refrigerator door, and spend 5 minutes admiring the fruits of your labor. Go ahead, touch it. Squishy? Smell it... Mmmmmmm...
pic 2273

6. Wash and scrub russet potatoes, then slice into steak fries
pic 2304

7. Put fat into deep fryer and heat oil to 265 degrees (we added some canola oil to fill fryer to correct level)
pic 2302

8. Blanch potatoes at 260 degrees until soft (about 10 minutes). You're basically cooking the potatoes until tender. Check the potatoes every few minutes, once you can poke them with fork, take them out and let them cool. You do not want to brown the potatoes.

9. Let cool to room temperature

10. Reheat oil to 375 degrees, then recook fries to desired crispness.

11. Add seasonings (sea salt & pepper, or fresh garlic & parsley)

12. Enjoy with mayonnaise, a freshly grilled burger, and a nice glass of Belgian white ale (not necessarily in that order). Relish in the wonderful aroma. Savor the out-of-this-world flavor. Brace yourself for the impending coronary.

13. Sit back, drink in hand, and watch LT run for a touchdown against the Raiders.

14. Grab more fries.

15. Repeat steps 13 & 14 three more times.

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At 10/16/2007 1:02 PM, Blogger bev said...

Oh Ernie...my stomach was churning as I read this entry and saw the pics. Sooo gross...

At 10/16/2007 1:27 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

You'd be singing a different tune if you tasted one of those fries. Oh my God they were SOOOOO good. I got another 5lb bag of fat left (I only used one bag)...I think I'll make some for this year's holiday party. hahahaha


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