Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ferris Bueller, You're My Hero

Captain America, Dead at 66.

Comic books have just never been my thing, and to this day I still don't know why. (Although my parents tell me that at the ripe old age of seven, I used to fawn over their old tagalog comic books -- but that doesn't count, I was in post-Philippine-visit tagalog->english translation mode.) But seeing that headline kind of struck a chord in me. In a world where Jordan is retired and wandering through some grassy field whacking a tiny white ball around, the city's mayor had an affair (oh God forbid!), astronauts wearing diapers are the butt of late night comedian jokes (I counted at least 10 minutes on Leno), and this nation's President has the lowest approval rating ever, where is that one enigmatic force that unifies us, that binds us together?

Sometimes I want to blow up the television for revealing the truth about life, about our so-called heroes. Let me be the ignorant child, foolishly following his immortalized heroes... (All shall rue the day if Primetime Live ever does an expose on Optimus Prime, the greatest transformer ever.) I realize that no one is perfect, that there is

Don't get me wrong, the everyday heroes are in every one of us. Your neighborhood schoolteacher arming children with the equipment to face the world; the commercial jet pilot, safely getting me to where I need to be; the faithful parent, dedicating their life to keeping their daughter "off the pole", there's a little "hero" in each of us. But I ask you...where is that single unifying force...where is that Ferris Bueller of this High School?

Personally, I say screw Captain America... I want to be Jack Bauer when I grow up. Tortured soul, insanely selfless, and fearless in the presence of bad guys.

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