Thursday, September 15, 2005

You've Got a Friend

So over the past couple of months, it's become clear to me how truly blessed I am to be surrounded by such good supportive friends. There's many things that they've done and said that I'm grateful for (I won't bore you with those details) but one thing that made me happy was hearing some interesting takes on life. One was over e-mail:
BE-DO-HAVE. BE happy and you'll DO things that make you happy (work, recreation) and you'll HAVE nice things. Many people live the opposite. They think if they HAVE nice things it will enable them to DO better things which will make them BE happy. Get it?

Great advice indeed, and it's interesting to actually see it spelled out so clearly. I've already been doing my best to stick to it, taking small steps (body/mind/soul) and already feel a difference. It's quite exhilirating, really. Hopefully soon I can take on the big ones, and start really knocking off those things on my 43things list. I remember when I used to be the other type of person -- always wanting to get the best stuff, thinking it'll make me better. Happier. But over the years I've learned that its the simple things, really, that make me watching sunrise out my driver window cruising down the 101; the fresh clean morning air after a night of hard rain; the smile of a beautiful woman; coming home to an empty, quiet house and cooking dinner; playing the piano when no one is listening; losing myself in a good movie...

Anyways. I digress.
To all of you that I consider "friend"...Thanks.

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