Sunday, September 18, 2005

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

Half-filled moving boxes and scattered VHS video tapes litter the carpet in Le Chateau. Furniture is haphazardly strewn about, constantly being rearranged for accessibility and space. Like the regular-as-clockwork late afternoon cloud cover (and corresponding 20 degree temperature drop) the house tucked away on the side of a hill is slowly losing the warmth that once echoed through the halls. Quietly fading are the loud sounds of heartfelt laughter that would carry through my double doors, now replaced by the constant roar of the 747s flying out of the nearby international airport. Those once joking outbursts of "I hayt choo!" and "who's yo' momma!" are now but faint memories lingering in the colder, emptier air.

And so with a slow yet deliberate pace, time marches forth toward the inevitable moment of doom when finally the last of those old memories are tucked away neatly into little two dollar 12x18x12 recycled carboard boxes (rated at 100lb bursting capacity). It will be a sad day indeed when the moldy bready is cleared out, the furniture is gone, the cupboards are clean, and only cobwebs and empty potatobug carcasses remain. I still remember that warm July day two and a half years ago when we found the 2500 sq. ft. house for rent (with a two car garage too!)...I remember the anxious excitement that us 4 roomies had upon entering..."oh gawd this is huge!" "I really hope we get it!" "I think they liked us" "Ron and Linda are so nice!" ...Especially after the disappointment of losing out on that big 4 bedroom out in the Sunset.

But alas...every chapter must come to a close, and this one has been wonderful. If you listen closely, you can still hear the voices, feel the love & friendships that filled this house - from the Friday night Rondalla practices to the Saturday afternoon barbecues, it was a great time. It would be quite a task to even try to list out all the (how many, fifty? hundred?) wonderful souls that have come to visit our humble abode. And so we are all moving on, to (hopefully) better and brighter things. I know that I walk away not with a sad heart, but with a newborn excitement of the road that lies ahead.

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At 9/18/2005 10:05 AM, Blogger Gary said...

I'm going to miss club cheateau :-(

At 9/18/2005 11:42 AM, Blogger Big Sexy said...

Good luck dood. I will still see you around as we still have to teach each other how to play the octavina (for you) and the Bass (for me).

At 9/18/2005 7:02 PM, Blogger VirtualErn said...

Teach me? What's there to teach? hahahahaha, just kidding. Definitely looking forward to learnin' the Octavina. And hey, we can have poker nights out at my new digs.

At 9/18/2005 7:27 PM, Blogger Big Sexy said...

you right, there's nothing to teach. We'll just play poker then.

At 9/18/2005 8:46 PM, Blogger Mur said...

what a sad post...

At 9/21/2005 2:11 PM, Blogger DJ John said...

Wow, the new digs look impressive. Congrats on the new chapter.


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